
Friday, January 2, 2015

HAPPY 2015!

I've been seeing lots of quilt blog posts showing off their many finished quilts from 2014 and listing their goals for the year ahead. I am a little behind on reviewing the past year and making plans for 2015, but here goes!

I was feeling like I hadn't accomplished much with my quilting last year, even though I spent lots of time sewing. However, as I review my lists of quilts started and finished, I am happy with my results and have made good progress on several projects. 

My biggest finish of the year was the Scrappy Sampler quilt. This was begun in 2013 as a block-of-the-month project, and I was thrilled to complete it in the fall.

Scrappy Sampler

Most of my other finishes were baby quilts--one for a co-worker, one for friends, and one for our niece and her husband. 

Bowties baby quilt

Musical Stars baby quilt
Surrounded by Love baby quilt

I headed up a group at work to make a signature quilt when our boss retired at the end of July. It turned out great, and she was so surprised!

Signature Quilt
I also completed several quilt tops this year. One is for Quilts of Valor and will be submitted to them for quilting. Four were very simple pieced tops for the charity quilting at my mother's church. The rest are all at different stages of quilting/completion. At least a few of them should get finished this year.

QOV Bowties
One goal that I achieved this year was limiting my number of new projects. Of the dozen projects I started in 2014, all but four were either finished or at least became quilt tops.  Four other UFOs/WIPs were completed, so my number of UFOs should be the same at the end of 2014 as it was at the beginning of the year.

For 2015, I am keeping my goals rather vague instead of saying something like "I will finish 12 quilts this year." I hope to finish off some of those quilt tops that are so close to completion. I would like to make more Quilts of Valor and also some for children's charities. It would be great to finish up at least one of my old UFOs too.  I hope to be able to find time for quilting every day, even if it is only 15 minutes some days. Any time spent quilting is good for my sanity.


Julie in GA


  1. Beautiful finishes! I agree 15 minutes of quilting will get you through a day! :)

  2. You finished some beautiful quilts last year. Congrats on all those finishes.
    Have a very happy and productive new year.

  3. Beautiful finishes--you got a whole lot done! i am still struggling with finishes from 2014--2 to bind, a flimsy to layer for quilting and various unloved UFO's--which I have begun to cannibalize for more fabric for my RSC blues....needs must...hugs, Julierose

  4. I want to make a Retirement Quilt for my friend. I like the pattern you used for yours. How large are the finished blocks? Any hints for getting the blocks signed?

  5. We mostly used layer cakes, so I believe we cut the light rectangles for the centers at 3x5" and two colored strips at 1.5 x 5" for the sides. We ironed freezer paper to the back of the centers to make them easier to write on.

  6. Hi Julia, I was curious about the dimensions of the signature quilt and block it’s self. I’m looking to make one for my nephew’s wedding and a I must get started ASAP!! The wedding is in July. Thanks for your help.
