
Saturday, August 2, 2014

New month, new color

Our August color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is light/bright green. We already did the deeper greens earlier in the year. Unfortunately, I haven't had any time to figure out what to make this month, but I did pull out my two drawers of green scrappy strips. 

I used to keep my scrap strips in bins. They were sorted by size but not by color. Whenever I wanted a specific color, I had to go through all the stacks of strips in whatever sizes I needed. Not very efficient, and my strips were getting frayed from the frequent movement. I still like keeping my strips organized by size, but sorting them by color is very helpful too, especially for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects. I bought three sets of these drawers at Joann Fabrics in the spring, and now my scraps are all beautifully organized. I love that I can pull out whole drawers of whatever color I need.

My only show-and-tell for this week is my collection of LeMoyne Star blocks in red, our color from July. I finished the 12" star a day late, but I am enjoying it with the 6" stars.

Check out this week's Rainbow Scrap Challenge posts--lots of amazingly beautiful rainbow projects to inspire you!

Julie in GA


  1. Oh I do love your organizational methods. I need to cut my scraps into useable sizes and sotre by color.. I am so sick of just searching to find things. Hugs Julierose

  2. las estrellas en red, preciosas y la coleccion de verdes abundante.

  3. I wish my storage of scraps was that neat

  4. I keep my regular stash sorted by color, but my scraps are embarrassing. Although I have spent the last four years trying to use them up. I went thru the box Friday and sorted what is left by color.

  5. What lovely bins - so neat and tidy and organized! I'm so impressed. Mine are in a bin and I haven't cut them all into strips just in case I needed a chunk for something. Great red finish.

  6. What great bins for scrap organization. Looks like you will be ready to go whenever a new color is called.

  7. Lovely red star blocks. You are very organized. That has to feel great to be able to find what color you want very quickly.

  8. Happy blocks! I would love to use drawers, but right now I have too many precocious fingers that would arrange for me, so I'll just enjoy yours for now. The scraps look fabulous.

  9. I saw some racks like that at Sams this weekend... Great idea for storage. Maybe if I clean up my sewing room I can use that idea. Love the red stars.

  10. The bins are a great idea. I'm finally figuring out how to use all the cut strips I have. They do need to be better organized that's for sure. The LeMoyne stars look great.

  11. Ooooh those bins are lovely! What a great method for storing things where you can find them easily. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Love those drawers with their colored knobs!! I have to admit my strips are thrown into buckets...but they are sorted by color! Thanks for sharing your ideas at my organizational linky....your post helps:)
