
Sunday, June 1, 2014

May/June 2014 goals

I don't know what it is about this time of year that makes it harder for me to get much quilting done. I think it is the fact that my days are much less structured. Every year around this time I have a long stretch (10 - 12 weeks) when I am not working at my regular job--similar to a teacher's schedule, but our break is usually mid April until sometime in July. I always have lots of big ideas of quilt projects to get done during that time, but it rarely happens. Right now I am attempting to get my sewing room cleaned up and better organized, in the hope that I can then be more efficient when I do get in there to quilt.

Here is my list of goals from last month with an update on how I did on them, plus a new list for June.

1. My May goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes was to finalize the design for a Mariner's Compass quilt, choose the background fabric, and make at least one block. I did buy the background, but have only a small portion of the first block assembled. The parts here remind me of Bird of Paradise flowers.

2.  Rainbow Scrap Challenge--make 6-8 LeMoyne Stars in green DONE 5/10 (plus finished the last 2 purple stars from April)

3.  Scrap Hexies--make RSC hexie star & snowflake (and finish April's star)
5/25 Finished 2 stars and 1 snowflake

4.  Tell It to the Stars (Judy L. mystery)--make May blocks.  DONE 5/19

5.  Spend at least 15 minutes each day quilting--cutting, sewing, designing, etc.  28 days out of 31

1.  Mariner's Compass--finish the center block and piece at least one more block.  I am planning to approach this quilt as my own personal block of the month project.  This is also my June goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes.

A Lovely Year of Finishes

2.  Rainbow Scrap Challenge--make 6-8 LeMoyne Stars in June's color, yellow.
3.  Scrap Hexies--make hexie star & snowflake in yellow
4.  Tell It to the Stars (Judy L. mystery)--make June blocks.
5.  Spend at least 15 minutes each day quilting--cutting, sewing, designing, etc. 

That covers my quilting plans and goals for June and my results from May. Watch for the next update at the end of June.

Julie in GA


  1. Your rainbow blocks are especially wonderful! I like your 15 minutes a day goal too!

  2. Hopping over from the LYOF goal, Loveleniss.. I love EPP.. please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway.

  3. I understand and share your problem. For some reason I tend to be more productive all around when I am in the middle of a heavily scheduled and structured period. I always think I'll get more done during those down times but I never do. I guess you put more value on your time when it seems to be in short supply.

  4. Love your color palette for the Mariner's Compass project!
