
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Scrappy Purple

Quilting time has been in very short supply this week. I did manage to complete two little LeMoyne stars for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

I finished basting my purple hexies for the month. Now it's time to get them positioned and start sewing them together.

recently won this beautiful sunprint fat quarter from Vicki Welsh. I don't know how I am going to use it, but the colors would be a perfect combination for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge colors in March and April, teal and purple.

Check out the Rainbow Scrap Challenge posts every Saturday to see how others are using up their scraps. So many beautiful projects! 

Julie in GA


  1. Oooh, nice purples! Loving those hexagons and the LeMoyne Star-(-that was my Grand'mere's maiden name); lovely stuff...hugs, Julierose

  2. Great sun print fabric . . . tempting to just frame that for a while to enjoy as it is!

  3. It would be a pity to cut that sun print up, and certainly not into 2"squares or smaller. Pretty stars and hexagons.

  4. Yours lemoyne stars are going to make a great quilt. That sun print fabric is gorgeous. I wouldn't know how to use it either.

  5. Love all your stitching and the fabrics just sing.

  6. Oh love the sunprint fat quarter. I'd hate to cut into it. The Lemoyne stars are wonderful.

  7. Very pretty blocks. Two done is better than none. Hope this next week you can find more time to sew.

  8. I always enlarge your hexies because I love to look at all the fabrics in them. Love the Lemoyne's too.

  9. Love your purple blocks. It would be difficult to cut the beautiful screen print.
