
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hexie Party and Design Wall

Since last August, I have been stitching hexies in the monthly color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. This month's color is purple. I have all my hexies basted and laid out, ready to stitch together, plus a pile of extras off to the side. They will be saved for some future project.

I have been playing with how I want to put these together in EQ7. Here is the current configuration. The areas with the grey pindot will actually be more hexies in a variety of black on white prints. Now that I see it up on the wall, I'm kind of liking them against the grey too.

I am linking up to Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts and to the In Hand EPP Link Party at splish splash stash. Check out both for lots of great EPP and hand stitched projects. On Monday I will link up with Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times and to the Monday Morning Star Count at Life Under Quilts.

Julie in GA


  1. Love the layout, it's going to be a gorgeous quilt when it's all done.

    How do you remember which hexies go where when you are stitching away from home?

    1. I write numbers on the papers in the hexies to keep them in order.

  2. Love to see them in different colours.

  3. So fun to see your ideas for layouts starting to develop. WHat an amazing project! Thanks for linking up and sharing your progress!

  4. It's fun to see this grow and develop and layout thoughts beginning...: )

  5. Alrighty! You are having a hexie party!! Wonderful.

  6. I LOVE hexies ... and yours are spectacular ... looking forward to seeing them all come together.

  7. Love your hexies and I really like them on the gray, too. The colors just pop!

  8. I love this! The gray looks good behind them, it lets each block shine. This is going to be a fabulous quilt.

  9. These are lovely laid out on the grey fabric...

  10. Gosh Julie, the snowflakes are looking great!
    : ) Lyn

  11. Your hexies are looking beautiful! WOW!

  12. sooo pretty and I think the layout is great! What a winner!!!

  13. Those are looking so pretty! Love seeing them all together.

  14. Thanks for the party .Anyone is just beautiful!
