
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Quilting Goals and March Results

March was a good month for meeting my quilting goals. The biggest one was finishing the top for my Red, White & Blue Sampler. That was also my goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes.
A Lovely Year of Finishes

Red, White & Blue Sampler:  TOP DONE 3/23/14
For more info about this quilt, click here.
60" x 72"

Here are the rest of my March goals:

Rainbow Scrap Challenge--make 6-8 LeMoyne Stars in teal/aqua/turquoise. DONE 3/8/14  I made eight 6" blocks and one 12" block

3.  Scrap Hexies--make RSC hexie star & snowflakes.  Done 3/29

4.  Tell It to the Stars (Judy L. mystery)--make March blocks.  Done 3/31 (better late than never!)

5.  Spend at least 15 minutes each day quilting--cutting, sewing, designing, etc. Computer time looking at quilt blogs doesn't count (that adds up to way more than 15 minutes some days!)  Done 3/31--worked on two projects many days, sometimes even three!

Not on the list, but got done in March--finished assembling Dancing Stars top and pieced back.

1.  Finish quilting and bind Chinese Coins quilt.  This is also my April project for A Lovely Year of Finishes.

2.  Rainbow Scrap Challenge--make 6-8 LeMoyne Stars in purple.
3.  Scrap Hexies--make RSC hexie star & snowflakes.
4.  Tell It to the Stars (Judy L. mystery)--make April blocks.
5.  Spend at least 15 minutes each day quilting--cutting, sewing, designing, etc. 

That covers my quilting plans and goals for April and my results from March. Watch for the next update at the beginning of May.

Julie in GA


  1. good luck with your list. Chinese Coins is a lovely quilt!

  2. I do love your Chinese Coins quilt and you seem very well organised with your list - I must link for April

  3. You had a great month. Good luck with your April goals.
