
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Scrappy Saturday--End of the Blues

Unfortunately, there hasn't been much time to play with my blue scraps this week. The long hours at work have continued, plus I haven't been riding the train the last few mornings because of our cold weather, thus losing my morning hexie stitching time.

I have nearly finished my first blue snowflake and hope to get another one together next week. Then it's time for a new color!

Check out the Rainbow Scrap Challenge posts every Saturday to see how others are using up their scraps. So many beautiful projects! I am also linking up to the Hexie Weekend at A Quilting Reader's Garden

Julie in GA


  1. Glad you found a little time to sew. The new color will be coming up soon.

  2. I love the starred center of that block. Sorry work has been such a zoo for you lately. Hopefully it will slow down soon, at least enough for you to get in some stitching time.

  3. I'm glad you found some time to stitch. that's neat cutting in the grey hexies.

  4. Love the hexagons. I've got a hexie quilt on the go but haven't looked at it for months. Might be time to drag it out of the cupboard xx

  5. Beautiful hexagon block! Well done squeezing in some stitching. :)
