
Monday, November 11, 2013

Design Wall Monday 11/11/13

I started making hexies in August as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and they have become my favorite way to fill the time while I am commuting to work in the mornings (don't worry, I am riding the train, not driving!) They are also a good project during TV in the evening.

Each month I have been able to make one star and one or two snowflakes from our assigned color. So far the colors have been red, baby blue, and black/grey. Yesterday I decided it was time to take a look at them on the wall. I don't have a layout figured out for them, but I am liking the way they look together. I need to play with some ideas in EQ7 to figure out how many stars and snowflakes I might need, plus the number of background hexies.

I am linking up to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times. Check it out for great ideas and inspiration.

Julie in GA


  1. Good morning! Your hexies are like colorful snowflakes. What a good of commuting time!

  2. I love your hexi snowflakes... especially the black and white ones!

  3. Very pretty/. I love the idea of snowflakes.

  4. Very pretty/. I love the idea of snowflakes.

  5. Aren't hexies the greatest!?! I love your snowflakes.

  6. The look fabulous! I can't wait to see more. :)

  7. Those are terrific. What a great way to spend your time.

  8. Oh your hexies are looking good!! I need some time with hexies again!!

  9. Love the hexies - what a great idea.

  10. Your hexies really sparkle! This is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  11. Ditto what everyone else has said. These look terrific. Who is giving out the colors? So far these look great.

  12. The color of the month comes from Angela. Her blog is here:
