
Monday, September 30, 2013

Getting It Done--September/October 2013

Judy's Get It Done Challenge at Patchwork Times has really proven to be a good motivator for me all year. I have found that writing out a list of goals and posting them on my blog has kept me much more focused on reaching those goals and has cut down on bouncing around between too many different projects. That doesn't mean I haven't played around with some new ideas, but for the most part I have stuck with my plans. 

1. Dancing Stars--9 blocks made 9/24

2.  Scrappy Sampler BOM--make this month's set of blocks.  Done 9/14

3.  Scrap Hexies--One star and one snowflake done 9/25

4.  Uneven 9-Patch quilt--finish binding. Done 9/30 (yes, on the last day of the month!)

OCTOBER GOALS--I hope that work will settle down a bit this month. I plan to continue keeping up with my monthly projects, plus make a start on some Christmas gifts.

1. Dancing Stars--make a set of blocks in this month's color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

2.  Scrappy Sampler BOM--make this month's set of blocks. 

3.  Scrap Hexies--continue my new hand stitching project.

4.  Begin at least one Christmas gift.

See how well other quilters did at reaching their goals this month and what they hope to accomplish in the month ahead at Patchwork Times.

Julie in GA

1 comment:

  1. Love your finished Uneven 9 patch. Congrats on doing so well with the September goals. Good luck with your October plans.
