
Monday, September 23, 2013

Design Wall Monday 9/23/13

I had taken a little break from making Dancing Stars blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, but last week I decided it was time to get back in gear. Our assigned color this month is baby blue, and I made 9 of these blocks in the past week or so. The darker blue blocks were made a few months ago, but I like the way they all look together.

It's time for me to link up to Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday. There 
is an incredible variety of ideas and inspiration there to enjoy, which is the reason why Monday has become one of my favorite days of the week!

Julie in GA


  1. Oh that is great!Really STUNNING! how will you finish it? black triangles? or blues?

  2. I wish you had an icon to follow by email.

    1. Carolyn, I think it is now possible to follow my blog by email. Thanks for your interest.

  3. The blues are not only dancing but sparkling with the dark background.
