
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Red Scrappy Stars 8/31/13

I don't have any new Dancing Stars blocks to show for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this week. The 12 red stars that I showed last week were all I needed to make this month. I now have just over 100 blocks made for this quilt, and 98 are needed for a throw size. I am still waiting to see what other colors are chosen for the next few months before I decide whether to make more or go ahead and join them together. Here are a few of each color up on the design wall.

My newest red scrap project has involved many hexagons. This turned out to be the perfect project to sew during my train commute to work each day. It worked out great to start my day with a little stitchery on the ride. I have made one "snowflake" and one bigger star with the hexies. I don't have a plan for what the finished quilt will look like, but I imagine the hexies will carry over into next year's scrap challenge. I am so excited by how they are turning out! I will link these up to Hexie Friday at A Quilting Reader's Garden.

I am linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2013, where you can see all sorts of wonderful ways that other quilters have been using their red scraps this month. I am also linking up to Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts. Check out the other posts featuring hand-stitched projects.

Julie in GA


  1. I love your Dancing Stars! Very cute hexies - the fussy cut zipper pull is hilarious.

  2. this is an amazing start to what will become a beautiful quilt.

  3. I always love they way the Dancing Stars look, and as Ellen (above) just love the fussy cut zipper pull, too cute.

  4. Your dancing stars are coming together very nicely.

  5. Love the berries in the middle of the snowflake. I will have to put that on my list for next year's RSC.
    Your dancing stars are looking Awesome.

  6. I love your dancing stars! I think brown, black and neutrals will be the next colors and I can't see them as stars. Well maybe neutrals, not sure. Will be an absolutely awesome quilt, girlfriend.
    The hexies are beautiful : )

  7. I love your little hexie projects. What size hexies do you like to work with?

    1. I have been using hexies that measure 1" along each side. That is a very manageable size to handle.

  8. Love that hexie design, very nice!

  9. I love the zipper in the middle of the snowflake. Dancing stars is going to be gorgeous when you get it all together.

  10. Your dancing stars look amazing. Love your red hexies also nice design!

  11. Julie, your hexies knocked my socks off!!!! Love that little zipper in the middle - too freakin' cute!!! And of course, the Dancing Stars are amazing. I may have to make those next year for the RSC :*)

  12. The dancing stars are awesome!
    And the hexies are soooo cooll!
    Can't wait to see what you make with them!
    Thanks for linking up!
