
Monday, August 26, 2013

Design Wall Monday 8/26/13

My design wall currently holds blocks for two very different projects. There are my 12 Dancing Stars blocks in red for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. They have been up there for the past week and have appeared on my blog for the last couple days. I am looking forward to mixing these in with all the other colors I have used in the blocks.

Yesterday I made 23 more bowtie blocks for my Scrappy Sampler BOM. The quilt finishes with two rows of bowties as the final border, requiring about 170 blocks total. I have around 90 of them made so far. I can see from this photo that I will have to be careful to scatter my blocks with really pale backgrounds evenly around the quilt when I put my border together.

It's time for me to link up to Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday. There is an incredible variety of ideas and inspiration there to enjoy, which is the reason why Monday has become one of my favorite days of the week!

Julie in GA


  1. I am really looking forward to seeing your rainbow of stars.

  2. Those rainbow blocks are going to be so pretty all mixed together. Your bowtie border is looking good too.
