
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dancing Christmas-y Stars 8/10/13

Today I finished up three more red Dancing Stars blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I also completed two green stars that were hiding in my box of leftovers. They make a nice Christmas looking combination on the design wall.

I am enjoying a day filled with quilting today. I will spend part of it prepping all the pieces and the paper foundations for the rest of my red stars to make it easier to be productive when I squeeze in some time to sew next week.

I am linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2013, where you can see all sorts of wonderful ways that other quilters have been using their red scraps this month. 

Julie in GA


  1. While prep work is not nearly as rewarding upfront, won't it be a wonderful payoff in the end?

  2. Great red and green stars. Yes I find the prep work takes so much time. I also have more to show at the end of the month because the beginning of the month is sort and cut to size time.

  3. Wow. Love these red and green stars. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt come together!

  4. Getting things prepped ahead of time is such a nice way to make the most of the sewing time we have.

  5. Prep work is the key. Your dancing stars look very Christmasee!

  6. Love the dancing stars! I want to make one but just haven't gotten it off the to do list yet! LOL

  7. You picked a great block for the scrap challenge, it looks great in all the colors.

  8. the stars look great, they really keep your eye moving to check if they are in the same orientation, they are but it doesn't look like it, nice job!
