
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

15 Minute Challenge 6/25/13

I read this morning that Christmas is exactly 6 months from today. Where has this year gone? I find it hard to believe the year is almost half over! Maybe next week I will go back through my 15 Minute Challenge posts and total up the number of days I have found time to sew. I know that this challenge has motivated me to make more of an attempt to do something every day, even if it is only for a small chunk of time. Sometimes just getting started is the hardest part. Once I get going in the sewing room, it can be hard to make me stop!

Today I am reporting my sewing time for two weeks because I missed posting last week. We had gone to Wisconsin for a week of visiting my family. I did take along my hand-stitching kit to keep working on Dancing Stars blocks, so I still managed to get in some quilting almost every day. This is the kit I took with me on our trip.

June 11 - 17
Tuesday--Scrappy Sampler
Wednesday--Scrappy Sampler
Thursday--Scrappy Sampler, quilt show preview
Friday--Scrappy Sampler
Sunday--Dancing Stars
Monday--Dancing Stars

June 18 - 25
Tuesday--Dancing Stars
Wednesday--Dancing Stars
Thursday--Dancing Stars
Friday--quilt show in Chicago!
Sunday--Dancing Stars
Monday--Dancing Stars, Turning Leaves & Woven Ribbons bindings

Check out the 15 Minute Challenge posts at Life in Pieces to see how others are finding time for their creative pursuits. 

Julie in GA


  1. Wow! Excellent job fitting in your 15 minutes almost every day.

  2. You've been doing a lot of stitching. Those Dancing Star blocks are so pretty.
