
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Starting with Blue

There wasn't much time this week to get started on my blue Dancing Stars for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I did pull out some scraps, and even got the pieces cut for a few blocks. Even though the official color for the month is sapphire blue, the pattern for these stars requires a light and a bright together, so mine include pale blue too.

Due to lack of time to spend at my sewing machine, I decided to try something different and hand piece a block. I got most of two segments stitched today and hope to get the rest of the block pieced tomorrow. It's slow going, but at least some progress is happening.

I am linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2013, where you can see all sorts of wonderful ways that other quilters have been using their blue scraps this month. 



  1. I love your beautiful blue fabrics!

  2. I think it's a great plan to get more sewing done by hand stitching!
