
Friday, May 31, 2013

Flag and Zigzag quilts finished!

It is unusual enough for me to get one quilt finished, but this week I managed to finish two! Granted, neither one is very big, but I was quite happy to get both my Zigzag quilt and my Flag wallhanging quilted and bound.

The Zigzag quilt was made to be donated to Quilts Beyond Borders through the Hands 2 Help challenge. It was great fun to make this bright, cheery quilt, and I hope it will be well loved by the child who receives it. You can check out more quilts that have been made for the Hands 2 Help challenge.

The Flag wallhanging was a project that was started in 2002 when members of our quilt guild exchanged triangles for maximum variety of fabrics. The quilt top was finished in the summer of 2003 and has been hidden away in a box ever since. I ran across it recently and decided it deserved to be finished.  The quilting is simple stitch-in-the-ditch straight lines along the stripes. In the blue area, I stitched around the stars, then quilted additional stars for a total of 13 stars (but they are hard to see--I might have to go back over them with a contrasting thread.)

The flag quilt will be hung up later today, and the Zigzag quilt will get packed up to send off as soon as I get a label on it.

Today I am linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict and to Link a Finish Friday at Richard and Tanya Quilts. Check out both places to see more finishes and other exciting projects.

Julie in GA


  1. I did a flying geese flag quilt once that I gifted to my dad:) I love yours!

  2. Great flag quilt. Love the scrappy feel of it.

  3. Awesome flag. I love the zig zag quilt. That pattern is still on my someday to make list.

  4. That is a wonderful H2H quilt, bright and cheery!! The flag is a great finish with all the different tones in it. What a treasure

  5. Just a wonderful quilt and thank you for participating in the H2H.

  6. Julie, I love your H2H quilt - the colors are wonderful, and aren't chevrons fun? Thank you so much for participating this year!

    And your flag quilt is quite a work of art! Whoop whoop!!

  7. I really like your zig-zag quilt! It is going to make someone very happy! Great work!

  8. Both quilts are Great! I am sure there is one happy child out there that received that fun bright Chevron!

  9. I agree, the Chevron is a perfect donation pattern. This was the perfect post to rejuvenate!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. so glad you rejuvinated this one under our zig zag theme I always think the chevron's look like zig zag. I also got an idea to add FLags into my theme notebook and noted to highlight yours when that theme comes around. SMILES!! V:)

  10. Both of these quilts are lovely. Glad I got to see them.
