
Monday, May 27, 2013

Design Wall Monday 5/27/13

Last night I was thinking that I should sew on a red, white & blue project today in honor of Memorial Day. I remembered coming across this unquilted flag top when I was going through a box recently. I don't think I will work on it today, but it looks like a good project for June so that we can have it up for July 4th.

I also found this nearly finished Stack & Whack top. All that needs to be done is attaching the borders, and they are already made. I just love that cute robot/aliens fabric!

There are many more quilt tops and unfinished projects that were packed up with those two. I am going to work on getting photos of them all today.  I also hope to spend some time making more blocks for my RWB Scrap Club Sampler. I need 4 more pineapple blocks, 2 big stars and about 15 small stars to get it to the size I want.

Happy Memorial Day to all and many thanks to the brave men & women who have served our country.

As usual, I will be linking up to Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday.  Check out all the great inspiration there. 

Julie in GA


  1. Really like the beige pieces in your flag - gives it movement. You have some wonderful rwb projects.

  2. Like you, I've been thinking red, white & blue when thinking about my next quilt project. I am hoping if I begin it on Memorial Day, I might finish up in time to hang it on the wall or throw it on my (red!) sofa by the fourth of July.

  3. Beautiful red, white and blue projects! I couldn't pick a favorite out of this set, they are all gorgeous.

  4. Lovely flag quilt and terrific stack and whack and sampler! I'll be getting out my RWB too.

  5. Beautiful quilts! I've not seen a flag quilt using QST before. It's really nice.

  6. Love the flag quilt, Looks like a fun project for the holiday!

  7. Great flag quilt - hope you are able to finish it for the 4th! Cute robot Stack 'n Whack, too! Novelty fabrics can be so much fun!

  8. All of your RWB projects are great but I especially love the flag.
