
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Green Dancing Stars

I missed posting to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge last week because I had nothing new to show. This week I finished up three more green Dancing Stars blocks. I especially love the bright lime green star at the top.

This brings my number of green stars to six, with two more started and fabric prepped for another half dozen or so, which is more than I really need.  My total number of stars made for the year so far (pink, purple, orange & green) is 38.  

I am linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2013, where you can see all sorts of wonderful ways that other quilters have been using their green scraps this month. This fabulous Dancing Stars pattern is available at Amy's Creative Side (and it's free!)



  1. That's going to be one yummy quilt. What a great idea for scraps.

  2. I loved this block when I saw it a couple of weeks ago on one of your posts and have since downloaded the pattern from Amy's Creative Side. I love your choice of greens!

  3. Love your green fabrics and happy, dancing stars.

  4. So pretty! Yes, that lime green really shimmers against the black.

  5. Lovely dancing stars and that one at the top just sings.

  6. That lime is great with the black. Your stars are going to be so pretty with all the colors dancing on the black.

  7. You are using up a ton of scraps...and making great progress!

  8. We all miss a week now and then. Great to see you dancing stars.
