
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

15 Minute Challenge

Kate's post for this week's 15 Minute Challenge features photos of her sewing space, and she talks about how her space is set up.  I am very fortunate to have a beautiful large sewing room.  When my husband and I got married almost 6 years ago, we added on to his house.  If we ever sell the house, that addition will be the master suite, but while we live here, the main room that was added is my sewing space.  I am so lucky!

Unfortunately, my sewing room is  too much of a mess for me to be willing to show current photos of it.  Maybe this will motivate me to do some cleaning up!  It's doubtful I will get to it this week though.

Lots of quilting happening this past week.  That's why the sewing room is such a mess!

Tues., 2/5--Dancing Stars , Hidden 9-Patch binding 
Wed., 2/6--Hidden 9-Patch binding, Dancing Stars 
Thurs., 2/7--Dancing Stars , Hidden 9-patch binding
Friday, 2/8--Hidden 9-Patch binding 
Sat., 2/9--Dancing Stars, Scrappy Sampler
Sun., 2/10--Scrappy Sampler, Hidden 9-Patch binding 
Mon., 2/11--Scrappy Sampler, Dancing Stars

Yesterday I finished making my February blocks for the Scrappy Sampler BOM.  I hope I can continue to keep up with them all year.

Check out Life in Pieces to see how others are finding time and space for creativity.



  1. Great week!! The blocks look great!

  2. You had a great week. I bet your sewing room doesn't look as bad as you think, but I understand wanting it to look it's best for pictures. I'd love to have a room for nothing more than sewing. Maybe someday.

  3. Great week of stitching. Your BOM blocks look great. It is so nice to have a dedicated space to sew in. The only draw back to mine is that here is no room for a long arm.
