
Monday, January 30, 2012

Design Wall Monday

We had another very busy week at work, which left little time for quilting.  I spent some time one evening playing with EQ7 to help me decide on the border design for my Storm at Sea quilt, and I think I have finally made a decision (although I won't make any promises yet.) 

The new border design changes the numbers needed for some of the units being made, so I continue cranking out square-in-a-square blocks and rectangles made from Tri-Recs units.  I believe I need 20 more of the top left unit, 14 of the bottom left, 100 or so of the middle one, and 53 of the large unit on the right for the border.

The different units for the border will be arranged to form a ring of stars around the center of the quilt as shown below.  I think it will set off the center very nicely.  The quilt top should finish at 87" x 96" before quilting.

See more design walls at Patchwork Times



  1. This one has been in my wish list for some time! I just love yours. I am so drawn to those colors and yours is shaping up very, very nicely!!! What a project and work too! You're very ambitious!

  2. The border variation looks very promising!

  3. Oh, this is so pretty. I would love to make this quilt, too, but it just seems so difficult (the cutting would really get to me). I will just have to content myself with watching your's come together.

  4. I like this border... really add even more punch. Love the colors...

  5. I love your border choice!!! Hoping to make a Storm at Sea someday...

  6. The border choice is great. The white area will leave room for some bordering quilting too.

  7. This is one I hope to make some day, your fabric choices are wonderful.

  8. Gorgeous quilt. Makes me want to dive into the blues in my stash :-)

  9. I have always loved storm at sea..quilts!!! I love the blue!! Hugs

  10. Julie, this is quite lovely. I love the movement and flow in it!! :)

  11. Love Storm at Sea - yours looks wonderful, and that border design is perfect!

  12. I love your border! I have to pin this in case a Storm at Sea is in my future.
