
Monday, January 16, 2012

Design Wall Monday

There wasn't much time for quilting this past week, but I have gotten some parts for my Storm at Sea quilt joined together and put up on the wall.

This is a project that I started over 10 years ago and have pulled out again, so it is taking some time to figure out what still needs to be made.  Last night I realized that I still need to make another 80 or so of these units:

There are quite a few of the pieces cut out and ready to be sewn together.  It is such fun to play with these fabrics from so many years ago, like visiting with old friends. 

See more design walls at Patchwork Times


  1. That's one of my favorite designs. Can't wait to see it finished. Looks great so far.

  2. Congratulations on tackling such an old UFO. It must seem like a new quilt again after all that time.

  3. I know exactly what you mean in visiting with old friends! I have an old storm at sea around here somewhere and wish I would finish it!

  4. A great way to say it -- visiting old friends. Now to keep motivated on it. And hopefully you have all of the fabric! Keep up the good work.

  5. This is beautiful and will be well worth it when finished.

  6. You're making good progress on this. It's looking really beautiful!

  7. What you have done so far is gorgeous! That should be your incentive to finish - it really is stunning!

  8. It is going to be beautiful when done. I am sure you are having fun playing with the older fabrics.

  9. It is a very pretty quilt and look fresh!

  10. It's beautiful. I've always wanted to make one of these. Maybe someday...

  11. I love storm at sea. It is very nice. I have many old OFOs to pull out and finish some day.

  12. Wonderful! Just keep at it and it will be done before you know it :)
