
Monday, January 9, 2012

Design Wall Monday

While going through my many UFOs, I discovered this Storm at Sea quilt that I started in 2001.  For some reason, now seems like the time to get back to work on it.  I still like the fabrics, and this pattern has been one I wanted to make for a long time.

I am currently putting together the components of it into blocks.  I am struggling to figure out what to do for the border.  Here are two options that I am considering.  The first was my original plan, but I'm not sure it really works.  The second has the points floating in the border.  Any opinions are welcome!

For more design walls, go to Judy's website.


  1. I like the first one. It gives it a true border. Love your colors. Storm at sea is on my bucket list.

  2. Just another thought regarding the 1st picture. I don't know your skill level but how about having the edge jagged instead of straight. Follow the colored design for your edge instead of putting the white on the top pieces. Hope that makes sense.

  3. I love this quilt. I really like the first border, I love pieced borders.

  4. I like them both! I am no help at all!

  5. They both are great. But I would lean toward the first one. Either way that will be a beautiful quilt.

  6. I really like the second one, it makes it look more dimensional.

  7. wow, tough choice, I like them both but for different reasons. I love the fabric, btw and that pattern has always been on my to do list... it is one of the first two patterns I ever bought, even before learning to quilt. I like the points out because it looks solid and condensed. I like the first setting because it is different, it looks framed and somehow a little more like a storm... a little ragged on the edges. good luck finishing it up.

  8. I like the second one. I also like storm at sea without a border. This is an absolutely stunning quilt.

  9. I vote for the second one...borders always baffle me.

  10. I like them both. Storm at Sea is one of my all-time favorite pieced patterns. Very nice work.

  11. Two great choices! The second one is more traditional but the first one really makes you look hard at the design. So I would lean towards #1. Both are gorgeous! Glad you decided this one needs to be finished.

  12. Oh I can't vote...I love them both. Great colors. Some of my favorites. I've looked at this pattern for years but have yet to make one. Congrats on working on this UFO. Toni

  13. I think I like the first border. Either one gives you great areas to quilt in.

  14. I had to jump right to your blog after seeing your your quilt! #1 is my favorite because it means more work for you...not really. I like it because it is the most interesting and complimentary to the body of your quilt.

  15. They're both pretty, but I prefer the top one. It forms a lacy kind of scallop.

  16. I love the first border. I think it adds interest to the quilt.
